Godiva X Cacao20
So here's the challenge
How might we bring a modern perspective to a traditional company?
After a design jam at the school in 2016, Godiva started a class with The New School in which students would design a concept store. I was accepted into the class and put onto the digital design team. Over the next semester, I worked entirely on making an interactive website that would align with our concept store idea, and the millennials it was targeted towards.

What's the why?
The class decided to create a subbrand for Godiva named Cacao20. The subbrand had a completely different feel compared to Godiva. It was much more minimal and interactive. The challenge quickly became, how can I capture that in a site? I started out using the Sketch program to complete all the different screens. This was brought to class for review and revisions over 8 weeks. Once we were all set on a design, everything was remade on Squarespace.
Once everything was set on Squarespace it went through a couple additional rounds of testing and critiques. On the final week of class, the website was shown to the creative team at Godiva at The Museum of Food and Drink(MOFAD) along with a presentation that highlighted the entire brand. The company was impressed with our work and asked for all the materials right away.